‘Think Big Week’ proves to be a huge success

The Prep School enjoy a week full of ‘tasting and seeing that the Lord is good.’ (Psalm 34:8)

Last week was an exciting week for pupils and our chaplaincy team as we hosted our ‘Think Big Week.’  Pupils were invited to come and listen to talks by wonderful guest speakers each day, sharing the good news of what it means to trust in God.  Talks ranged from learning about the Creation, the Fall and the Rescue to exploring the Future and we finished on Friday with our Associate Chaplain, Alice, giving a talk centred around Jesus.

After every talk, there was an opportunity for children to ask questions and we were thrilled with the questions they asked from “When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?” to, “When did you become a Christian?” and, “Have you ever recognised that God is looking after you in a special way?”  We were really impressed by the engagement and respect show from every single pupil and in recognition of this we celebrated each day by enjoying doughnuts on the way back to lessons. It truly was a week of ‘tasting and seeing that the Lord is good.’ (Psalm 34:8)