Dean Close Preparatory School aims to inspire its pupils to a lifelong love of learning. We strive to equip each child with the skill and confidence to be an independent thinker, able to tackle a task either as an individual or as part of a group.
Our School meets the educational needs of a wide range of individual abilities and aims to provide an appropriate education for every child in the family. The small classes and Learning Support Department mean the School is able to extend the most able to academic excellence whilst supporting the less able. We seek to develop the whole person in preparation for Senior School and life beyond school. Life at School is busy and it is a delight seeing the pupils learn to apply themselves to a range of activities and tasks.
The children follow a broad based and stimulating curriculum that is delivered by specialist teachers who bring their own love of their subject into the classroom.
The academic curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum in Years 3 to 6 and an Independent Curriculum, aligned to the Common Entrance, in Years 7 to 8. Throughout the School pupils are taught by specialist teachers for French, Art, Music, Drama, PE and Games. As pupils move up the School they see an increasing number of subject specialists.
At Dean Close Preparatory School we aim to provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs and abilities of all our children.